Monday, August 30, 2010

10 January, 2009. Arts Center. 
This was apparently taken on the tenth of January last year. It was the mural at the time outside the art gallery. i don't remember going to the art gallery but i remember this wall. It just seemed so.. true. So simple but saying too much. Or maybe it wasn't saying anything at all. Maybe it was just some artist who needed to make a deadline and this was the best he/she could come up with in one night. 

10 January, 2010. Personface's kitchen.
One year later, this is me in a kitchen/dining room thing with a couch and shit, and also Kelsey's hand and face. i'm not quite sure why her hand is on my back but there it is. i don't know who took the picture. i really like this photo for some reason. It's one of the very rare photos which a) has me in it and b) i do not hate that photo of me. Because it's just my hair and hoodie you can see, ahaha. This night was the day before Zara's birthday. Kels and i made this cake:


It was a Very Good cake, i must say. 


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