Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday Furies 17/9 - sleep. (or not...)

Ha, so it's Friday again. i get the feeling this blog is going to turn out to be just a Friday thing, haha. But seriously... i'm wayyy too tired to be motivated right now. So i'm going to rant about sleep. Except it won't be a rant because my energy levels will drop (again) in a minute and my fingers will be like, "screw you, i'm not going to keep this up for much longer." And i'll be like, "shut up, fingers, you should be used to me working you harder than any sane person so just keep typing or else i might kill you." Of course that would involve cutting off my fingers anyway and how would that benefit me? i couldn't keep writing the post anyway because i'd have no fingers and blood would be leaking all over my laptop which would probably make it difficult to do computerish things with. Also there'd be little bones and tiny muscles sort of in the way and it'd probably hurt a bit. There's also the issue of how to go about the dilemma. Because i'd be able to cut off one hand of fingers fine sure. i'd use my right hand and go cutcutcutsawsawsaw to the five fingers on my left hand. But what then? i'd have no fingers on my left hand to cut off my right hand fingers! i guess i could try using my right thumb and forefinger to cut off my pinky but i can imagine it could get a little difficult after that. i could try using my teeth maybe. Or hold my destructive weapon between my left arm and feet/stomach/otherpartofbody? Waitwaitwait what on EARTH am i talking about that has nothing to do with sleep at ALL. Maybe it's just highlighting my point. What's my point? Maybe it could be that sleep deprivation is bad and screws with your ability to judge whether you're making sense or bullshit. Or just make nonsensical  noises. Okay... i have noooo idea what i'm actually talking about anymore. i think i was going to say something about sleep but wowww i'm too tired. But it's Friday, i'm thinking. i need to rant about something! i don't know. i could rant but then i'd just waitwaitwait i'm thinking i should stop before i start repeating everything i've said just now. Apparently i do that. Just repeat things because i forget that i've even said them. i would read this thing to remind myself but really, there's too many words and not enough colour and honestly i'll just forget it again anyway. i think i need to make these posts easier to read because it's hurting my eyes just to look at all this writing. Maybe i should start using those paragraph things..

Like this?

And i should put pictures on, because pictures are (usually) easy to look at and if you're sleepy or lazy you don't have to bother reading the words. What am i saying? The title says sleep but i don't think i've even ranted about sleep at all. Have i? i don't know.

Oh, and Zazi, I LOVE MY FISHIES. DON'T BE LIKE RAWRRR. They have secret trapdoors where they go. Those ones you see are sometimes are only images because the real fishies are off having secret fun adventures and being correcttttttttttt

1 comment:

  1. You are amaziiing. really. you also reminded me about sleep. good girl.
    I think you lied coz that was definitely a rant right there. Have I mentioned home amazzzing you are?? I just want to give you a big big hug. This is me hugging you right now. *HUGGGGS* this is because you are amazing and one of the few other people who would also think about the logistics of cutting off one's fingers. I think i might go write a blog now. This comment is getting rather long.
